Friday, December 31, 2010


What is it about Family that ties people together. I first thought it is shared experience growing up in the same environment but then I see my husband with his half brothers David and Arron. They never grew up together, they have different Mothers, and twenty plus years in age, but I see them together here getting ready to lay their Father to rest making decisions together, talking not about old times together but about stories they have heard and trying to see if there is common thread in what they heard as children. Their faces are each unique but you notice the hairline is replica of Malcolm's just 20 yrs. younger with not so much gray.
They are fruit of the same tree grown on different branches from a tree was not always healthy and often extremely sick. But look at these men doing what is right and good in their lives each holding on to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ as their guide . It was the best gift he could give them , something stable, good, restorative, a foundation for them to build their lives on. Now they come together to lay down the pain, betrayal, anger, disappointment, sadness , such sadness of what might have been, three men in dark suits, white shirts, ties trying to do their very best to honor if not the man the title of Father, the man who set their feet on the straight and narrow path , even though he could not come with them on it. I hope they feel the generations that came before rejoicing in them. Sometimes a bad tree can bring forth good fruit, Christ heals all. Love to my Elder Wall and the other two Elder Walls on this sad day of what could have been.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Love the Work

It has been a long time since I checked in to blog. We have been continuing on our efforts to increase the attendance at Institute in Little Rock. We did a Thanksgiving dinner for college students who couldn't go home and have cooked for two break-the-fast- broadcast. We still are doing our cookie drops and have picked up several new young adults. Last monday night we went to FHE and Haley our first baptism that I got her interested in Ricks college BYU Idaho, she got a message on her phone during the lesson and she has been accepted to BYUIdaho for next year. We were jumping for joy. That will just cement her testimony and give her a good understanding of the church organization . We are so happy for her. We split our time between the Mission and the YSA programs and sometimes it can be exhausting. We have been here now going on our 4th month and we still love it. I was worried about burnout, because I get bored so easily but each time you see one of your contacts out at church your heart just burst with joy. Living the gospel will only bring you joy, not living it gives you a multiple choice of misery. Maxwell. I have been reading my books and finished Inevitable Apostasy, It was really good through most of the book but the ending got slow. Then I started last week Nibley's Temples and Cosmos, Wow I am almost through and it is an amazing book. Overwhelming information sometimes your brain gets overloaded but the spirit makes you keep going, there is so much to learn about our world. Today we met two our our YSA's who we have been leaving cookies for months but have never caught home. It was such a treat to finally meet them and they were appreciative of our efforts and said they would attend institute tonight. We have been talking to the CES Coordinator and he has given us permission and funding to do dinners before Institute next year and see if food and socialization will increase attendance at the class, I will be cooking more but with the small budget it will mostly be soups and breads but If anyone reading has good casseroles that take little money send them they will be greatly appreciated. Love to yall Sister Wall

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Urban Farmer & the rapper 11/16 2010

Today I woke up and actually thought "I wish I could just sleep all day and not go out" It started out slow and we needed to go to district meeting and pick up the sis. missionaries on the way. Elder Wall got a call from his sick friend Brook just as it was time to leave and he really needed to talk so I ran and got the sisters picked up then came back and got Elder Wall, then we drove quickly(over the speed limit) to district meeting and arrived at 10:10 just 10 min late. No one was there , we called the Elders and the meeting was delayed till 10:30 . So we waited. After we usually all go to lunch but we needed to check out a restaurant for Wed. night . (We had called a YSA who is not coming and invited him to dinner Wed. night and he said great then we said after we can all go to institute together. We're so mean). We had left in such a hurry we forgot our binder with all the addresses and names of the people we visit so we had to go back to our apartment to get the binder and I thought it would be so nice to just stay home and nap. Low motivation today, but we went and our last visit was a young man named Chris. I've blogged about him before , he lives in a tough part of town, has a great smile and the first time I met him I was instantly drawn to him. ( One of my ghetto boys) He was home today and we took our cookies to give to him and he wanted to talk to us about whey we make cookies for him. Well wow!! We had such a great talk with him, he has a really great spirit and said he has felt like he needed to make some changes in his life. He is a very spiritual person and has a heart that wants to help others. He kept saying he wanted to live in a Zion society, work the earth and live happy. He loves to work in the earth and is trying to start a nursery type business. He has planted blueberries, raspberries, cherry tomatoes , grapes, in his Grandmothers yard and wants to get some land to make a big garden and grow vegetables and berries. We talked and I said something about the feeling of having an "enlightened mind" and he picked up on that right away and said he has that feeling when he reads from the scriptures, and when he works in the dirt. He said he feels that he is connected somehow during those times. He might come to institute Wed. night, I told him I would be waiting at the door looking for him.(no pressure) Look what I would have missed if I had followed my lazy day feelings I had that morning. We got a call from Tony (rapped testimony) and he needs us to take him to the library and help him apply for a job at Target online. He does not know how to do it and he really needs a job, I feel that if we don't get him on the road to a better life we will loose him back to the "hood". He has an electric personality and will be a great salesperson. Wow you know what? I'm beginning to really love these young people!! My urban farmer and my rapper may God bless them.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Today the YSA in the Little Rock Stake had a service project where we cooked and served a turkey dinner to a shelter. There is a young man in our group who for 3 months lived in this shelter a few years ago. He wanted to do our service at this particular place to say thanks. It is a working shelter where the residents must have a job or they can't stay. 70% of their salary must be given to the shelter each pay day. The shelter puts it into a savings account and then at the end of three months they leave the shelter and get their savings to pay rent and stuff. I think that is a great idea to get people back on their feet. The YSA Pres. called Fri. night and said that he bought 5 turkey breasts and how should he cook them, this is 7:00 pm and I asked him if the turkeys were frozen. He thought he could cook them that night, so I told him to put them all in his bathtub and fill it with warm water. We went to the store and bought turkey roasting bags and aluminum pans and headed to his home. We gave them directions on how to cook the turkeys in the morning and we took two of them to cook at our apartment. Anyway they did great and all the food was wonderful, we fed about 60 people. We are really learning to love these young people.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Another Great Day

It started out questionable when I couldn't walk my back was pinching a nerve in my left leg. I had to lay on the floor and try and crack it then iced it. Elder Wall was working on business problems, we had two brick walls fall down at one of his apartment complexes and he needed to get insurance claims adjusters and contractors hooked up to fix it . Paula our wonderful assistant is a life saver for us, she is so capable Elder Wall should give her a raise she already had my life long thanks. Anyway we didn't get away until around 2 pm and feeling like we wasted our day. While lying on the floor for my back I made up invitations for the pot luck dinner and broadcast talk by Elder Ballard on Sun. for the young adults. Here is a sample.




(Otter Creek Pkwy. , 1st. left after gates, then 2nd church)





( Come even if your pot has no luck , there will be plenty)

I am making my famous chicken wings and Piggy Sue's pineapple angle food cake.

Anyway we went out to deliver some to our young adults and first we visited our two track boys one who came to institute Wed. and he was not home but the other roommate was and we got to talk to him, he is from Australia and runs cross country, so we were stoked to have caught him home, then we went to the hood to leave one for Tony who was baptized and rapped his testimony, he is doing great. , Then to my first boy from the hood and he was home and has the cutest smile we visited with him and I hope he tries to make it, I promised him I'd save a chicken wing for him. With four visits catching him home was a real treat. Then off to my other gangsta boy and he wasn't home but we met his older brother and he was very nice to us, he drove up when we were at the door , so a suit , white shirt and name tag really comes in handy, we were immediately identified as non threatening , then for the cherry on top. For our 5 visit way down south to the Returned Missionary who is inactive, with the "attack goose" We have met his Mother, his Father but have never caught him home, I saw a car in the driveway last week and thought that must be his and he was home but no one answered the door, so I left muffins on the door handle for him. Well while driving down there I called his Mom's phone and left a message that we were coming again and had an invitation for her son. When we got there the car was in the drive again, that I thought must be his, and when we knocked we heard a male voice say just hold on a minute . Then the door opened and there was our RM he was sicker than a dog and got out of bed to meet us, he knew we were coming because of my message on the machine, and wanted to see who had been leaving him cookies and muffins and notes about making good choices in life. That was us! We said we would return another time and left him the invitation and said we would love to see him at it if he felt better, and if not I would bring chicken wings , ok so its not chicken soup , but they make me feel better when I eat them. Then there is this one young man who we haven't contacted because we have no address but know he works at this restaurant so it was dinner time and we went to dinner there and took an invitation in with us and guess what! Aw you guessed it. He stopped by out table and talked for a few minutes and we hope he will come to the pot luck, it would be his first YSA(young single adults) contact in possibly 2-3 years. We had another great day. The baptism Sat. for a wonderful young mother from South Africa has been postponed, she is great and just needs a little more time. Love to Yall

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Works first fruits

Last night was institute. We have be knocking doors for over a month and leaving cookies, muffins, and invitations for the young people to attend institute. We find some of them at home but mostly just leave them on door steps. We are following Sis. Burns from the MTC lead and expect to do this 8 times before we see results. But.... last night we had one of the students at the university who we have visited once and left cookies 2 more times, come out to institute.
He brought a friend, and another member brought a friend, and the sister missionaries brought a inactive young adult that we both have been working with, we leave cookies they teach, we also had two semi active young ladies who we left muffins , attend. If you feed them they will come! First the muffins then the spirit. So we had 8 new attendees last night. Wow do you know how great that is! I was substitute teaching last night also, I studied and worked really hard on the lesson for weeks, literally. I was so nervous and it was not going too well I would lose my place in my notes, and repeat myself, I finally took a deep breath, put the notes away and taught without reading the notes. It went a lot better, I really felt better just talking to them about the topic which was Prophets , moving the cause of Zion , law of common consent. I hope I don't have to sub too much more but I did learn that teaching youth is not like teaching Relief Society . We are teaching a teacher inservice lesson Sat. for the seminary teachers and I expect that will go easier for us. Well I need to go and make some muffins for todays doors, then we will go to the church to check out if the dvd and tv work for the lesson on Saturday, we have a short dvd to show and I hate it when they don't know how to work the equipment during the lesson, so we are going to practice because we are not known for our techno skills, computer hacking skills, num cuk skills, ha ha. Love to all

Friday, October 15, 2010

Strong Daughters

My home is torn up, walls are missing and I've been worried about my family living there. I received a very inspiring message from my daughter that made me think about all my daughters. You know I have raised some very strong women whom Im very proud of. Where do they get this when you are raising them, I never thought about teaching them to be strong. You know I always joke about my P. Blessing that the main thing it tells me is that my life will be hard, many tribulations, trials...... I used to think wow I should just quit now if it is going to be that tough. But now I look back and see that when I was going through all the trials I had these little girls standing by my side watching. It never dawned on me that they were learning along with me. I know the future is going to bring many more struggles in all our lives and I'm thankful that my girls have the strength to endure life's tough times. I was going to post a pic of Chrissy in front of what used to be our living room wall smiling giving us the two thumbs up sign. She and Blake helped Carrie remove all the furniture from the house and helps her out everyday. I can't find the picture but it expresses my thoughts today perfectly, the house may be falling down but we are together and everything will be fine. How I love my family.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our first Monday(P-day) the Elders took us hiking up Pinnacle Mountain , the sign on the trail said strenuous hiking and they were not kidding. I was so proud I made it up and the views of Little Rock were beautiful. We sang High on a Mountain Top with a slight lyrical change, "The sisters beat you up we're telling all the world" The Sisters made it up to the top before the Elders, OK they took the more difficult trail.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A very Full Day

We left this morning at 8 and just returned home at 8. We visited two wards, one confirmation, one YSA planning meeting, one pot luck, and visited the Arkansas mental hospital. The institute teachers had us over for lunch after our meeting and then invited us to go with them to visit a young man in the mental hospital. He has had a tough life and had anger issues. He used to come to their gospel principle class and after about a year he came in and said this was the first time he attended and was not high or stoned. He has muscular dystrophia and is in for hitting a doctor and some other things. He is such a sweet guy, we had to come in as ministers, then put all our dangerous stuff in a locker( keys, watches, pens, purses....) then we had to go through a metal detector. We spoke with him in a group room for about an hour then visiting time was over and we needed to leave. There was a young girl in the group room visiting her parents and she started crying and saying she loved her mom and come and see her tomorrow. It reminded me of when Caitie was in the treatment center and I started to cry , we walked out into a hall and I gave the Mom a hug and said we had to do something similar with our daughter and we both cried a little and the dad said he thinks it saved her life. It is so hard to be parents sometimes. I think we will be visiting the young man again, I told him I would teach him how to do sudoku's. There are some great youth here in Arkansas. Love to y'all

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Flood

Does the devil have power over water? In our life he does. Since leaving on our mission we have experienced several major plumbing problems mostly at our Apartment complexes. But now he is really trying to get us. Our home had a major flood. The supply pipe in the upstairs master bath broke and for aprox. 1 1/2 hours water poured out into the master bathroom, and bedroom, then down to the living room and dinning room then down to the basement and was actually pouring out of the foundation outside of the living room. Paula came to work and found it and she knew how to turn the water off to the house so she stopped it . Carrie called the carpet people and there are 7 fans ( the massively big ones) blowing air to try and dry it out. The carpet had to be ripped up and the padding removed, thank goodness Carrie knows the routine.(She manages apartments and this happens often in apartments) We tried not to worry the morning she called us but this morning Malcolm woke up and said he dreamed about the house flooding and I had dreamed about it too so we must be unconsciously worried. It's just a house, poor Carrie and her family living with 7 blowers in the house then all the construction to repair it. Hey look on the bright side, when we have to put up new ceilings we can have them done without the popcorn junk on them. Love to all & keep the devil away from your water!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

the bike

We went looking for a bike for me to ride and we didn't want to spend much money. The first place we found was a nice bike shop and the cheapest bike was 400 we were discouraged and thinking I would have to go back to that walmart again(help) Just as we were leaving the owner aproached us , no one had talked to us since we entered ( we had our name tags on and our mission cloths) we explained that we needed a bike that was cheap and thanks but we will leave now, just as we were leaving he said wait i have something up in the top level that might work for you. We followed him through the door and up the stairs and there was this old bike, rusted a bit with no petals. He said it needed a good home and he would fix it up for me and we would just pay for the parts. It has 7 speeds and is purple, navy and pink brand Raligh. We picked it up today and it works great and I ride it around the lake while Elder Wall runs. Love the Lord and yall too,

Thursday, September 30, 2010

1st baptism

We attended the Baptism tonight of Tony. He is from Maplewood Unit. We have never heard of a unit before but they have about 48 people attend every Sunday and they meet in a rented 7th day Adventist building in downtown Little Rock. It was really spirit filled. There were about two rows of black people , mostly children 7-15 , and they were real characters I was helping they learn how to conduct music from the Hymns book and then Tony arrived he looks to be about 24 and he was just glowing. The Unit Pres. conducted the meeting , he has been a member about 30 years. He and his wife were baptized off a referral from a waitress who they asked about a temple picture hanging up in her restaurant. He has a really strong spirit and testimony. Tony was baptised twice because his hair floated the first time, everyone clapped when he was done and he did kind of a black wassup kind of a thing. Then he came in and at the end bore his testimony. This was the cool part have you ever heard a testimony done in rap style? I have now. Very unconventional but he was just alive in the spirit and glowing. I love this place, these people are unbelievable in spirit. Last night the institute teacher was one of the best Ive heard, right up there with John Davis and Gerry Bench and Elder Benhdar. Loving the work and y'all

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monticello and Mongolia

We had our first interview with the Mission Pres. yesterday and attended our first District Meeting. (an inservice meeting with Elders) We then drove to the southern end of Arkansas almost to the border of Texas to visit and Institute class being held there at 7. Driving through Arkansas heading south you really feel the change. It becomes more rural and then for the first time I saw real cotton fields. They were full of cotton, big white bunches just hanging on a bush like someone took wet bread dough and flung it on a bush. We should have stopped to take a picture, as I looked out I could almost see the field slaves working in them, there was a strong spirit there. We sat in the car and reading ( did you know that Porter Rockwell was baptized the same day as Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy M. Smith? I had no idea he was with the Prophet that early in the Church history)in the parking lot of the little church building until the teacher arrived. Bro Carr joined the church as a young man and has raised his family in that area, he teaches institute every Tues night. He has two students one his daughter and the other his son-in-law. Yes they are not really single adults anymore but in case the single adults in his area decide to attend (3 others) he holds the class. His daughter was the Rodeo queen of Arkansas and does barrel racing and stuff. His son in law is from Virginia (not a Yankee he lived south of the mason Dixon line) he served his mission in Arkansas and returned after. She is going to sit for her CPA test . These are strong members who are living the gospel and growing strong in a remote area of the South they love and can't see living anywhere else.
OK another Mongolia story, My mom went out to Texas to visit my brother and on her way back to Utah she saw a girl in the airport in Dallas the look so pretty she had on a black skirt and a pink sweater and such pretty skin (my mom's words). Then when they landed in SLC she saw her again by the luggage pick up and she looked distressed and was looking a papers and looking in her purse. So my Mom (I come from good stock) went up to her and asked her if she was a missionary and needed help. He English was broken but she was a missionary on the way to the MTC and was supposed to call a shuttle service but lost the phone# So my Mom told to to come with her and she would take her to the MTC because she lived near by. The sister had been traveling for two days, flew from Mongolia to Korea, Korea to Dallas, Dallas to SLC. My nephew had picked up my Mom at the airport and brought his little (3 year old) Saddie with him. So she sat in the back with Saddie and they made fast friends. The sister pulled out a little stuffed camel (Mom thought it was handmade) from Mongolia and gave it to Sadie. Mom delivered the Sister to the MTC and took her in and made sure she was going to be taken care of, they hugged and the Sister is going to be serving at Temple Square and they made plans for Mom to go on a tour with her when she starts serving there. Mom told Andreus to make sure Sadie takes care of the little camel from Mongolia. Love to all

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sept 26 2010

My daughter informed me I was blogging on two different blogs so she instructed me on how to delete one and now everthing is on one blog. We have been here a week now and I am feeling more confident. We are organized with a plan( Malcolm is good at long term plans its a Wall thing) With my GPS I ventured out to the Womens broadcast Sat. to our ward building. When I arrived everyone was leaving and going to the Stake Center because the satilite was out. I didn't have the Stake address for my GPS so I followed the Stake Pres and his wife. Wow what a Stake building, it was much bigger than our Stake Center. The side pews were twice the size. I really loved the broadcast. My notes said Do esential things, Righteous women seek revelation,God had a bigger plan for RS than a womens club, Organize the energies of women. This I loved becuase one thing I know about my women friends is that we have much more we want to do after our regular work is done. We are amazing creatures! Prioritize properly, utilize power of Holy Ghost.
Prayer, scripture study, obiedence, service.
and my favorite " compassion = the desire to relieve suffering of others"" and of course pres Monson was amazing in his cute way.
We picked up a sister (Black) investigator for church today for the missionaries. Yolanda was very sweet she stayed for all three meetings and was most impressed with RS (of course). But one comment made me question her intent. She wanted to know if we had a food bank and when I told her about how welfare works she asked how do you get hooked up with one of these Bishops. I want to believe in her intent, I want not to judge, I want to help her out if she is hungry, So this is my plan, we are having a pot luck in between conference secessions (which I invited her out to) and Im going to bring spanish rice casserole, I'll make two batches and leave one on her doorstep, asking her to let me know if she thinks this is good enough for the pot luck on Sunday. Oh yeah I made us business cards to pass out, I was afraid to put our phone
#'s on it so I just put our email but now Im re-thinking that because if she is poor she may not have internet to email us Ill ask for opinions on whether we should put on our phone #'s. We called home tonight and talked to all the grandkids wow Im going to miss them so i wrote each one a letter and tomorow Ill invest in stamps and stationary Im going to need it. Love to all

Tues. Sept 7 2010

Today reality hit. We had great lessons on teaching and I felt very confident in my abilities. Then we went into a gym with small groups set up and Malcolm and I had a person acting as an investigator to teach. He asked us where we were going and when we said Little Rock he said OK I'll be southern Baptist. It was really hard and several times I got very flustered . He asked really hard questions and tried to go off topic often. After 45 min. I was ready to go home. When I told that to my district group they thought I meant back to Motel 8 but I said no I mean Colorado, this is hard. We saw a Tanner Wiscombe here tonight at the Fireside he is from our home ward. Tell his Mom he was smiling alot and was chosen to stand by the door at the podium . Lowell M Snow from the 2nd Quorum of Seventy spoke . It was so good! He talked about Choices This is from my notes
What was it that brought you here? Why are you here? Life is a series of choices we make. What have you learned about choosing? How will you make the right choice?
Choosing becomes, becoming. Earth was created so we would have a place to choose.
Abr. 3:23-26 moses7:32-33

The best choice is to choose him. If we don't have experience in choosing him we won't be able to help others to choose him. Consistently choosing him = becoming like him
Prayer is not to change the will of god but for us to find out what his choice is for us and for help to make that happen.
Faith is confidence in him to choose him and to act accordingly
Faith to do what God wants trust his judgement
Choices reveal us
You can't give permission to do something if you didn't make the rule. You choose him by keeping the rules
My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they choose me.
What do you do when you choose poorly?
repent When have you repented last? if not yesterday then you are in denial or slow on the uptake. If you repent he will give you everything he has and his power to help you.
Decide right now to always for the rest of your life that you will choose him then help others to choose him also.
This made today worth it and I will try tomorrow to explain the plan of salvation without flubbing it up. Love to y'all and may we always choose to follow him. Love Sis Wall

Monday, September 6, 2010

Mission Life

I have waited all my life to serve a mission and go to the MTC. So today we drove up to the front to check in and the greeter said we would be staying at motel 8. I laughed knowing what kidders elder missionaries can be , then realized he was handing me directions to the motel. We have our classes at the MTC but are staying down the street at the Motel 8, at least it was a non smoking room. We met with all the other senior missionaries and did introductions. Most were from Utah a few from California and we represented Colorado. There are two going to Fiji, one to Samoa, one to Marshall Islands, one to Singapore, one to Mongolia, about 5 to Africa, one to Sweden, one to London, I sat there thinking of all these exotic places then came our turn and we proudly announced Little Rock Arkansas. I could see the envy in the faces of all who wished they were us. We had orientation about staying healthy, washing our hands, after dogs lick them, before eating, and after tracting. You know shaking hands is really germ-ie. We also learned about creating clean drinking water, first filter it through a coffee filter(preferably not used before) then boil 2 min. They also sell a water bottle with a great filter that takes any water and produces clean drinking water. We are getting those because you never know when you will need them in Little Rock. The food is not as bad as everyone was telling us, it is really pretty healthy. We were warned about the salad dressing causing gastrointestinal problems that make studying in small enclosed rooms with others aromatic, we have stayed away from that with a ten foot pole and box of pepto. So we had a great day and are heading to our Motel8 for study and prayer, I am so excited to be doing this but for the life of me I don't know why that is why faith is such a powerful force. Love to all Kathryn

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sept 22 2010

How many times do we have to go to Walmart? You forget how much little stuff you need when you start a new household. Just when I thought we were done my watch stops and I need to go get a new battery. We needed to purchase a GPS to help us find our way to all the places we are supposed to go. So we go to Walmart by us and they are out of the 100 dollar ones but they call their other store and they have three of them so we get directions to get to the other store and several wrong turns later we arrive only to find out that an employee broke the key off in the locked cabinet where the GPS's are kept and they can't get to them. So they send us to the Sams club down the street (yeah right) so several wrong turns later we arrive at Sams only to find that they don't have the 100 version but a more expensive version that we could have bought at the first Walmart if we wanted to spend that much. He said we could go to another Walmart and check but it was about 10 miles away and many turns, did they not understand that we needed the GPS because we can't find our way around all of Little Rock looking for a GPS. Heck we just paid more for their GPS so we could just get back home and rest. Do you know that Little Rock is a series of hills, you just drive around in between them never knowing where they are because the forest along the road is so thick that you can't tell if its a hill or not. Some one told us that come fall when the leaves drop we will be shocked to see all that we have been passing by and never knew it was there. We have now located the area notebook with all the information we need to know to do our jobs, but it is all dated 2008 , I think my first job is to update all the information to 2010=2011. We needed a big desk to work off of and there was one at walmart for 139.00 but it was not too big and probably would break the first month. So we thought about building one but Malcolm didn't bring his power tools.( he's lost without them) So then I thought about Goodwill, we got great stuff for Caitie when she needed it. So with our GPS we head off to Goodwill. Its a small one not like the one in Littleton, I can't see any furniture but in the way back there were some old bed frames and an old metal desk with a file drawer and center pencil drawer it was big (5ft.) and wide enough for a great sewing table and it was only $5.00 wow what a deal! Then we tried to move it , It took a hand cart and a big helper to slide it into my car. Did I say how much I love my car with the fold down seats. We had to pick up the Elders to get it up stairs and into the 2nd bedroom. But it fits just perfect and now I can start organizing. Paula Malcolm is giving me the evil eye as I try and organize the top of his desk, only you will know what I am saying. Love to all

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sept. 22 2010

Carrie said I needed to add in a story from the MTC so here iCheck Spellingt is. There was a senior couple going to Mongolia they ran into a missionary who teaches at the MTC who served in Mongolia. While talking he mentioned that he had taught and baptized a sister in Mongolia who had moved to Turkey and he could no longer get in touch with her. This senior couple said they had a daughter serving in Turkey and the missionary said he had her address there in Turkey so he gave it to them and they emailed it to their daughter who forwarded it on to her branch pres. The branch pres. had two mongolian sisters attending his branch but could not speak Turkish and no one could speak mongolian. Well the branch pres. called the missing sister who said she had been living there for 6 months and didn't know there was a branch and she wanted to go to church could she please attend his branch, she can speak Turkish and will now be the translator for the other two mongolian sisters. Small world!

We are now in Little Rock and have attended our first ward meeting at the Pinical Mt. Ward, we met with the Bishop Beheshti, who played football with Ed StPierre and was wittness to Cheryl and Eds courtship and ordained Ed when he joined the church. Small world!

The missionaries were going to climb Pinical Mt. on Monday and we went along, I mean we are from Colorado , how hard could it be to climb the hill they call a Mt. Malcolm and I were going up the easy side they said and they went around to the hard side. It reminded me of the Hanging Lake trail, pretty steep but do-able. Then about 3/4 of the way up it started, the BOULDERS !! It was all I could do to climb up these hugh rocks , no ground just big rocks piled on top of each other, but I made it to the top and what a view . WOW I don' know how to post pictures on this blog so Ill put them on facebook. Couldn't walk that night thank goodness for ibuprophen. Love to all

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday Sept 13

Today we started our CES (church educational system) training and it has been really good.
We learned how to read the scriptures in preparation to teach. First you divide the verses into topic sections, then next to each section you write a summery of what its about, then the principle it teaches or the background it provides to the content. Then you put down how best to present that principle or just to summarize it quickly. We had to practice that and tomorrow we have to teach using that system. We are doing 1Nephi 16 so I'm going to work on it tonight when I can think clearly and not be under pressure to think in public or quickly tomorrow. We also got the 4 goals of our job. Enlighten, love, edify, involve. Quote Boyd K Packer True doctrine, understood, changes behavior, (I hope I got that right)
Principles I learned today
1. Principles are concentrated truth , packaged for application
2. Forced obedience yields no enduring fruit. (Richard G Scott)
3.Reverence invites Revelation
4. Purity proceeds power

I still don't know if we will be doing a lot of teaching in Little Rock, but it sounds like maybe we will be the institute teachers, and if so we will be teaching several nights a week so I will have great opportunity to utilize these lessons.

P-Day and Sunday

Sat. was our day off so we went to my Mothers to do our laundry. We bought lunch at Kneaders and drove her up Americian Fork canyon for a picnic. We passed Timp Cave and I remember climbing up with my Dad when we were little and going through the cave. They told us of the indian maiden who jumped off the cliff when her true love was killed and her heart made in ice and is hanging in the cave. Then they turn off the lights except for a spot light on the heart shaped stalagtite. Utah is full of faith promoting ruomers. Remind me to tell you about the one I heard here about Pres. Kimball and Youda from star wars.

Sunday we went to church at the MTC we were assigned one of the foreign branches and it was really neat to see the Elders and Sisters from all over the world who were there to serve missions. Lots of orientals, and I met a sis. from Mongolia, Carrie has a good friend from Mongolia and she is emailing a senior couple I met here who are going to Mongolia. The Fiji couples left for Fiji Sat. night and I told Malcolm they are arriving in Fiji this morning (Sunday) but there it is Mon. morning, they lost Sunday completely.
In Relief Society meeting we had a guest speaker , the general YW pres. She was really nice and gave a sweet talk but I just about started laughing out loud because at one point she was saying how God uses the weak and simple to do his work ....then I know you will be effective teachers. It reminds me of Malcom and my bathing suit story (for another time, close friends know it) You know the intent of their heart is good and they want to say something nice and supportive, but what the words really say is not at all their intent. So if you need to be weak and simple to be effective teachers I'm going to "hit it out of the ballpark" Love to all

Sept 10 2010

I'm just going to put some short blurbs of cool things I heard and wrote down so here goes
Prayer is usually the last resort but really should be our first resort.
The person is not the "project" the outcome is the project.
To say a prayer is a monologue to have a prayer is a conversation.
The people who need you the most may not be the obvious people.

When I was packing up my home and putting everything in boxes I have a drawer where I put precious things. When my Dad passed away I was cleaning out some of his stuff and there was a pen and pencil set he received when retiring I kept it in my precious drawer. So when I saw the pen set I thought , My dad can't serve a mission but his pen and pencil can , so I opened the box and now I am using them to take all my notes. So ever so often I see the pen in my hand and think "OK Dad are you getting any of this" I'm sure he is also learning a lot. He would have loved serving a mission.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sept 9

We had a great treat today, a visit from Bro. and Sis Burns. They have served two missions and what a ball of spunk is she. We learned that its good to take pictures so you can learn names and faces quickly They also recomend making a travel area book and keep it in your car. It is to include maps, stake directories, that seemed to be a good idea. Another good idea is to make cards so you can leave a little note if the people are not at home. They were really fun to listen to. I didn't get all my studing in last night so I need to sign off early tonight and study. My quote for today that I heard is to" have a prayer" instead of "say a prayer"

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wed. Sept 7 2010

We got up earlier this morning and we were able to make some 3X5 cards with an outline of the plan of salvation. After several editing attempts we went to meet our volunteer investigator. Bro. Boone. We did a better job teaching this time, Malcolm took parts and I took parts and we made a secret sign when we were done with our parts and the other one would start their part. In our evaluation they said we did a good job. Yeah We have personal time tonight so we went walking on the BYU track, the food at the MTC is really pretty good so walking is a much needed time expenditure. I had to purchase some moleskin to put on my heels, the new shoes are causing blisters on my heels. I'm going to bed early tonight It was an exhausting day.