Friday, December 31, 2010


What is it about Family that ties people together. I first thought it is shared experience growing up in the same environment but then I see my husband with his half brothers David and Arron. They never grew up together, they have different Mothers, and twenty plus years in age, but I see them together here getting ready to lay their Father to rest making decisions together, talking not about old times together but about stories they have heard and trying to see if there is common thread in what they heard as children. Their faces are each unique but you notice the hairline is replica of Malcolm's just 20 yrs. younger with not so much gray.
They are fruit of the same tree grown on different branches from a tree was not always healthy and often extremely sick. But look at these men doing what is right and good in their lives each holding on to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ as their guide . It was the best gift he could give them , something stable, good, restorative, a foundation for them to build their lives on. Now they come together to lay down the pain, betrayal, anger, disappointment, sadness , such sadness of what might have been, three men in dark suits, white shirts, ties trying to do their very best to honor if not the man the title of Father, the man who set their feet on the straight and narrow path , even though he could not come with them on it. I hope they feel the generations that came before rejoicing in them. Sometimes a bad tree can bring forth good fruit, Christ heals all. Love to my Elder Wall and the other two Elder Walls on this sad day of what could have been.

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