Thursday, September 30, 2010

1st baptism

We attended the Baptism tonight of Tony. He is from Maplewood Unit. We have never heard of a unit before but they have about 48 people attend every Sunday and they meet in a rented 7th day Adventist building in downtown Little Rock. It was really spirit filled. There were about two rows of black people , mostly children 7-15 , and they were real characters I was helping they learn how to conduct music from the Hymns book and then Tony arrived he looks to be about 24 and he was just glowing. The Unit Pres. conducted the meeting , he has been a member about 30 years. He and his wife were baptized off a referral from a waitress who they asked about a temple picture hanging up in her restaurant. He has a really strong spirit and testimony. Tony was baptised twice because his hair floated the first time, everyone clapped when he was done and he did kind of a black wassup kind of a thing. Then he came in and at the end bore his testimony. This was the cool part have you ever heard a testimony done in rap style? I have now. Very unconventional but he was just alive in the spirit and glowing. I love this place, these people are unbelievable in spirit. Last night the institute teacher was one of the best Ive heard, right up there with John Davis and Gerry Bench and Elder Benhdar. Loving the work and y'all

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