Monday, September 13, 2010

P-Day and Sunday

Sat. was our day off so we went to my Mothers to do our laundry. We bought lunch at Kneaders and drove her up Americian Fork canyon for a picnic. We passed Timp Cave and I remember climbing up with my Dad when we were little and going through the cave. They told us of the indian maiden who jumped off the cliff when her true love was killed and her heart made in ice and is hanging in the cave. Then they turn off the lights except for a spot light on the heart shaped stalagtite. Utah is full of faith promoting ruomers. Remind me to tell you about the one I heard here about Pres. Kimball and Youda from star wars.

Sunday we went to church at the MTC we were assigned one of the foreign branches and it was really neat to see the Elders and Sisters from all over the world who were there to serve missions. Lots of orientals, and I met a sis. from Mongolia, Carrie has a good friend from Mongolia and she is emailing a senior couple I met here who are going to Mongolia. The Fiji couples left for Fiji Sat. night and I told Malcolm they are arriving in Fiji this morning (Sunday) but there it is Mon. morning, they lost Sunday completely.
In Relief Society meeting we had a guest speaker , the general YW pres. She was really nice and gave a sweet talk but I just about started laughing out loud because at one point she was saying how God uses the weak and simple to do his work ....then I know you will be effective teachers. It reminds me of Malcom and my bathing suit story (for another time, close friends know it) You know the intent of their heart is good and they want to say something nice and supportive, but what the words really say is not at all their intent. So if you need to be weak and simple to be effective teachers I'm going to "hit it out of the ballpark" Love to all

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