Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Love the Work

It has been a long time since I checked in to blog. We have been continuing on our efforts to increase the attendance at Institute in Little Rock. We did a Thanksgiving dinner for college students who couldn't go home and have cooked for two break-the-fast- broadcast. We still are doing our cookie drops and have picked up several new young adults. Last monday night we went to FHE and Haley our first baptism that I got her interested in Ricks college BYU Idaho, she got a message on her phone during the lesson and she has been accepted to BYUIdaho for next year. We were jumping for joy. That will just cement her testimony and give her a good understanding of the church organization . We are so happy for her. We split our time between the Mission and the YSA programs and sometimes it can be exhausting. We have been here now going on our 4th month and we still love it. I was worried about burnout, because I get bored so easily but each time you see one of your contacts out at church your heart just burst with joy. Living the gospel will only bring you joy, not living it gives you a multiple choice of misery. Maxwell. I have been reading my books and finished Inevitable Apostasy, It was really good through most of the book but the ending got slow. Then I started last week Nibley's Temples and Cosmos, Wow I am almost through and it is an amazing book. Overwhelming information sometimes your brain gets overloaded but the spirit makes you keep going, there is so much to learn about our world. Today we met two our our YSA's who we have been leaving cookies for months but have never caught home. It was such a treat to finally meet them and they were appreciative of our efforts and said they would attend institute tonight. We have been talking to the CES Coordinator and he has given us permission and funding to do dinners before Institute next year and see if food and socialization will increase attendance at the class, I will be cooking more but with the small budget it will mostly be soups and breads but If anyone reading has good casseroles that take little money send them they will be greatly appreciated. Love to yall Sister Wall

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