Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Works first fruits

Last night was institute. We have be knocking doors for over a month and leaving cookies, muffins, and invitations for the young people to attend institute. We find some of them at home but mostly just leave them on door steps. We are following Sis. Burns from the MTC lead and expect to do this 8 times before we see results. But.... last night we had one of the students at the university who we have visited once and left cookies 2 more times, come out to institute.
He brought a friend, and another member brought a friend, and the sister missionaries brought a inactive young adult that we both have been working with, we leave cookies they teach, we also had two semi active young ladies who we left muffins , attend. If you feed them they will come! First the muffins then the spirit. So we had 8 new attendees last night. Wow do you know how great that is! I was substitute teaching last night also, I studied and worked really hard on the lesson for weeks, literally. I was so nervous and it was not going too well I would lose my place in my notes, and repeat myself, I finally took a deep breath, put the notes away and taught without reading the notes. It went a lot better, I really felt better just talking to them about the topic which was Prophets , moving the cause of Zion , law of common consent. I hope I don't have to sub too much more but I did learn that teaching youth is not like teaching Relief Society . We are teaching a teacher inservice lesson Sat. for the seminary teachers and I expect that will go easier for us. Well I need to go and make some muffins for todays doors, then we will go to the church to check out if the dvd and tv work for the lesson on Saturday, we have a short dvd to show and I hate it when they don't know how to work the equipment during the lesson, so we are going to practice because we are not known for our techno skills, computer hacking skills, num cuk skills, ha ha. Love to all

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