Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Urban Farmer & the rapper 11/16 2010

Today I woke up and actually thought "I wish I could just sleep all day and not go out" It started out slow and we needed to go to district meeting and pick up the sis. missionaries on the way. Elder Wall got a call from his sick friend Brook just as it was time to leave and he really needed to talk so I ran and got the sisters picked up then came back and got Elder Wall, then we drove quickly(over the speed limit) to district meeting and arrived at 10:10 just 10 min late. No one was there , we called the Elders and the meeting was delayed till 10:30 . So we waited. After we usually all go to lunch but we needed to check out a restaurant for Wed. night . (We had called a YSA who is not coming and invited him to dinner Wed. night and he said great then we said after we can all go to institute together. We're so mean). We had left in such a hurry we forgot our binder with all the addresses and names of the people we visit so we had to go back to our apartment to get the binder and I thought it would be so nice to just stay home and nap. Low motivation today, but we went and our last visit was a young man named Chris. I've blogged about him before , he lives in a tough part of town, has a great smile and the first time I met him I was instantly drawn to him. ( One of my ghetto boys) He was home today and we took our cookies to give to him and he wanted to talk to us about whey we make cookies for him. Well wow!! We had such a great talk with him, he has a really great spirit and said he has felt like he needed to make some changes in his life. He is a very spiritual person and has a heart that wants to help others. He kept saying he wanted to live in a Zion society, work the earth and live happy. He loves to work in the earth and is trying to start a nursery type business. He has planted blueberries, raspberries, cherry tomatoes , grapes, in his Grandmothers yard and wants to get some land to make a big garden and grow vegetables and berries. We talked and I said something about the feeling of having an "enlightened mind" and he picked up on that right away and said he has that feeling when he reads from the scriptures, and when he works in the dirt. He said he feels that he is connected somehow during those times. He might come to institute Wed. night, I told him I would be waiting at the door looking for him.(no pressure) Look what I would have missed if I had followed my lazy day feelings I had that morning. We got a call from Tony (rapped testimony) and he needs us to take him to the library and help him apply for a job at Target online. He does not know how to do it and he really needs a job, I feel that if we don't get him on the road to a better life we will loose him back to the "hood". He has an electric personality and will be a great salesperson. Wow you know what? I'm beginning to really love these young people!! My urban farmer and my rapper may God bless them.

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