Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sept 26 2010

My daughter informed me I was blogging on two different blogs so she instructed me on how to delete one and now everthing is on one blog. We have been here a week now and I am feeling more confident. We are organized with a plan( Malcolm is good at long term plans its a Wall thing) With my GPS I ventured out to the Womens broadcast Sat. to our ward building. When I arrived everyone was leaving and going to the Stake Center because the satilite was out. I didn't have the Stake address for my GPS so I followed the Stake Pres and his wife. Wow what a Stake building, it was much bigger than our Stake Center. The side pews were twice the size. I really loved the broadcast. My notes said Do esential things, Righteous women seek revelation,God had a bigger plan for RS than a womens club, Organize the energies of women. This I loved becuase one thing I know about my women friends is that we have much more we want to do after our regular work is done. We are amazing creatures! Prioritize properly, utilize power of Holy Ghost.
Prayer, scripture study, obiedence, service.
and my favorite " compassion = the desire to relieve suffering of others"" and of course pres Monson was amazing in his cute way.
We picked up a sister (Black) investigator for church today for the missionaries. Yolanda was very sweet she stayed for all three meetings and was most impressed with RS (of course). But one comment made me question her intent. She wanted to know if we had a food bank and when I told her about how welfare works she asked how do you get hooked up with one of these Bishops. I want to believe in her intent, I want not to judge, I want to help her out if she is hungry, So this is my plan, we are having a pot luck in between conference secessions (which I invited her out to) and Im going to bring spanish rice casserole, I'll make two batches and leave one on her doorstep, asking her to let me know if she thinks this is good enough for the pot luck on Sunday. Oh yeah I made us business cards to pass out, I was afraid to put our phone
#'s on it so I just put our email but now Im re-thinking that because if she is poor she may not have internet to email us Ill ask for opinions on whether we should put on our phone #'s. We called home tonight and talked to all the grandkids wow Im going to miss them so i wrote each one a letter and tomorow Ill invest in stamps and stationary Im going to need it. Love to all

1 comment:

Chrissy Hancey said...

I am glad that I finaly found your blog. It is fun reading about your day!! Chrissy