Sunday, October 10, 2010

A very Full Day

We left this morning at 8 and just returned home at 8. We visited two wards, one confirmation, one YSA planning meeting, one pot luck, and visited the Arkansas mental hospital. The institute teachers had us over for lunch after our meeting and then invited us to go with them to visit a young man in the mental hospital. He has had a tough life and had anger issues. He used to come to their gospel principle class and after about a year he came in and said this was the first time he attended and was not high or stoned. He has muscular dystrophia and is in for hitting a doctor and some other things. He is such a sweet guy, we had to come in as ministers, then put all our dangerous stuff in a locker( keys, watches, pens, purses....) then we had to go through a metal detector. We spoke with him in a group room for about an hour then visiting time was over and we needed to leave. There was a young girl in the group room visiting her parents and she started crying and saying she loved her mom and come and see her tomorrow. It reminded me of when Caitie was in the treatment center and I started to cry , we walked out into a hall and I gave the Mom a hug and said we had to do something similar with our daughter and we both cried a little and the dad said he thinks it saved her life. It is so hard to be parents sometimes. I think we will be visiting the young man again, I told him I would teach him how to do sudoku's. There are some great youth here in Arkansas. Love to y'all

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