Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sept 22 2010

How many times do we have to go to Walmart? You forget how much little stuff you need when you start a new household. Just when I thought we were done my watch stops and I need to go get a new battery. We needed to purchase a GPS to help us find our way to all the places we are supposed to go. So we go to Walmart by us and they are out of the 100 dollar ones but they call their other store and they have three of them so we get directions to get to the other store and several wrong turns later we arrive only to find out that an employee broke the key off in the locked cabinet where the GPS's are kept and they can't get to them. So they send us to the Sams club down the street (yeah right) so several wrong turns later we arrive at Sams only to find that they don't have the 100 version but a more expensive version that we could have bought at the first Walmart if we wanted to spend that much. He said we could go to another Walmart and check but it was about 10 miles away and many turns, did they not understand that we needed the GPS because we can't find our way around all of Little Rock looking for a GPS. Heck we just paid more for their GPS so we could just get back home and rest. Do you know that Little Rock is a series of hills, you just drive around in between them never knowing where they are because the forest along the road is so thick that you can't tell if its a hill or not. Some one told us that come fall when the leaves drop we will be shocked to see all that we have been passing by and never knew it was there. We have now located the area notebook with all the information we need to know to do our jobs, but it is all dated 2008 , I think my first job is to update all the information to 2010=2011. We needed a big desk to work off of and there was one at walmart for 139.00 but it was not too big and probably would break the first month. So we thought about building one but Malcolm didn't bring his power tools.( he's lost without them) So then I thought about Goodwill, we got great stuff for Caitie when she needed it. So with our GPS we head off to Goodwill. Its a small one not like the one in Littleton, I can't see any furniture but in the way back there were some old bed frames and an old metal desk with a file drawer and center pencil drawer it was big (5ft.) and wide enough for a great sewing table and it was only $5.00 wow what a deal! Then we tried to move it , It took a hand cart and a big helper to slide it into my car. Did I say how much I love my car with the fold down seats. We had to pick up the Elders to get it up stairs and into the 2nd bedroom. But it fits just perfect and now I can start organizing. Paula Malcolm is giving me the evil eye as I try and organize the top of his desk, only you will know what I am saying. Love to all

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