Friday, January 6, 2012

We just had the most amazing experience. We have been meeting with one of our young single adults, I may have mentioned him before. Marcus is a RM that we started working with back in 2010. He is the most amazing young man. We took him out to lunch last year and he touched me with his strong spirit as he bore his testimony of the gospel and his love of the Savior, and told us about his mission. He was inactive at the time and in a bad place in his life. So we have been visiting him and spending more. time with him this last few months. He is a gun "nut" and we had kind of hit a lull in his progression in activity, he had stopped coming to church consistently. My Brother Scott Stone is a gun "NUT" and he and his wife were coming to visit us so I invited Marcus to go shooting with all of us and he and my brother are like two peas in a pod. Elder Wall and I go shooting with Marcus every Friday afternoon. Marcus goes to nursing school an accelerated program and has little time with all his studying and practicum. Well today after shooting we sat and talked to Marcus for about a hour outside his home in our car. He bore his testimony of how hard he has been working at getting his life in order and that this Sunday he is being given a call in the ward and soon will have his Temple Rec. back. He talked about a very special spiritual experience he had on his mission with the healing power of the Priesthood, and the reality of our Savior. He then told us how important we have been in his healing, and reactivation and how when we called him for lunch a year ago he had hit bottom and didn't know where to turn and was praying for help. He talked about how pride is the root of all sin as that if you try and direct your life thinking you know best what you can and should do or tweak it in a direction away from Heavenly Fathers plan you don't even know what is happening until you find yourself in "the Bear trap" He was in that trap when we met him. I personally have been wondering if we have really fulfilled our callings here a missionaries and he said" I want you to know if you wonder about your mission, even if I am the only one you have helped, to me you have changed my life and brought me back to our Savior and that has meant everything to me . It was if the Lord was answering my doubts and questions. Marcus is doing great and we are planning on going to the temple with him as soon as he gets his recommend back. That will be a crowning achievement for him and we are well pleased with his progress. We are going to go to his ward sacrament meeting this sunday so that we can raise our hands to the square and sustain him in his new calling. When Forest Gump says" we were like peas and carrots me and Jenny" Elder Wall and I are just the opposite of that statement but because we both love the gospel and our Savior we have been able to be effective missionaries here in Arkansas. What a miracle the gospel is.

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