Monday, January 10, 2011

Love the Work

It's been a slow season for us. Our College students went home for the Holidays and we had to take a week off to attend the funeral of Elder Wall's Father in West Virginia. We had a good trip to West Virginia and Washington DC and visited our Niece and her family while there but I missed the work and the routine. I wanted to get back and I really missed the YSA we work with. It's funny when you think I want to go home and realize that your idea of "home" is your mission in Arkansas and not your house in Colorado.. It was so good to see the young people again and discover that the New Years Eve dance was a success. We got right back to work and were finding success with Tony's job search when the snow storm hit. In Arkansas 2-3 inches shuts down the whole town. We were having an activity and I had cooked three pans of chicken enchiladas , two of mexican rice , two of cornbread and the activity was canceled because of the storm. I picked up the Sister Missionaries today so they could email from our computers, they only live a mile away but the drive was treacherous but they knew my Colorado car was familiar with snow so they called me. Even with a little amount of snow the problem is the ice underneath. Several members were without electricity, now they have canceled FHE tonight and I'm feeling like I did in West Virginia. I want to get back home (or to work) . Tomorrow is going to be colder and Wed. even colder so I think we are in for a long break. We are going to venture out to get Tony to the airport for the second part of his employment app. they need to get his fingerprints for the security check. We are praying he gets the job, he is so sweet. He got all dressed up for the interview in his white shirt and tie but did not get a call back so I went online and found an application for that company and he filled it out and we took him back the next week to drop off the app. and see if he could get their attention. He went in and met with the interviewer and told her he had gotten all dressed up last time and again this time just to drop off the app. and didn't that show her that he really was interested in the job. She was impressed so she sent him for the drug test and fingerprinting. He did the drug test but he needed a valid ID for fingerprinting and he has never driven a car and has no state ID so we took him to the Dept. of Revenue for an Arkansas state ID. 23 years old and has never driven a car. Life looks very different from the poverty side. So even if its cold and the roads are not the best we are going to the airport tomorrow with Tony to get his fingerprints taken and maybe he can get his first job. Passanger Assistance in the Little Rock Regional Airport. Love to all and pray for better weather and Tony.

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